Welcome to Vermont WIC. Applying is easy and secure – you can even start your application online. After answering a few simple questions, local WIC staff will be in touch to help you through the process to be sure you’re eligible, determine your family’s needs, and answer any questions you may have.
Watch these inspiring Vermont WIC stories of Kaitlin and Monica.
Application Options
There are three ways to start your WIC application:

Start your application online.

Text Apply to 1-844-TEXT-WIC (1-844-839-8942).

Reach out to your local office.
Before talking to WIC staff, you can find out if you meet basic eligibility requirements with the USDA online tool or learn what to expect during your appointments on our WIC Basics page.
For help or more information, contact the Vermont WIC Program by email at wic@vermont.gov or call 800-464-4343 | 802-863-7200 | Fax: 802-863-7229 | TTY/TDD: Dial 711 first. Or contact your local office.
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