Schools play a critical role in promoting the health of young people and helping them establish lifelong healthy behaviors, from early child care through college. Proper nutrition and regular physical activity improves academic performance.
- Students who participate in the USDA School Breakfast Program have better grades and test scores and less absenteeism.
- Physical activity has been linked to better grades, cognitive performance and classroom behavior.
Early Childhood
More than two-thirds of Vermont children under the age of six will spend time in a child care program. Meeting nutritional and physical activity standards is critical to development as the first three years of life are the period of most rapid brain and body growth. Modeling and helping children build a foundation of healthy habits increases the likelihood they will continue those practices as they grow up.
School sign-on with 3-4-50
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Classroom sign-on with 3-4-50
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Early childhood sign-on with 3-4-50
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Colleges sign-on with 3-4-50
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See what 3-4-50 partner, Townshend Elementary School in Townshend, VT, is doing to create an environment of better health for its students and school community.