Health Care Professionals Protect the Health of Vermonters.

They help mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, infectious disease, terrorism and mass casualty emergencies.

The Health Department supports health care professionals by:

  • serving as the coordinating unit for the Public Health and Medical Services support partner in the State Emergency Operation Center,

  • maintaining the Vermont Health Alert Network,

  • serving as the grantee for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the U.S. Health & Human Services health preparedness grants, and

  • offering technical support for preparedness such as planning, exercises and training so Vermont can be ready for emergencies.

Learn more about how the Health Department helps health care professionals before and during public health emergencies.

If you have any questions, please contact

Vermont Health Care and EMS Preparedness Webinar Series

The 2022 Vermont Healthcare and EMS Preparedness Conference will not be held in-person. Instead, a monthly webinar series offering continuing education for EMS providers and informational sessions throughout the year. Presentations will cover health equity, health care and emergency preparedness, crisis communications, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and more. Learn more and sign up for these free webinars.

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