BMP Doctors Talking

The Vermont Board of Medical Practice protects and promotes the health and safety of Vermonters by ensuring professional integrity through licensure of health care practitioners and investigation of complaints in a fair manner that is respectful to all parties.

Call Scam Alert: Important Information to Protect Against Scams (04/16/2024)

We were notified that a physician was called by someone claiming that they were from the Board of Medical Practice. The caller told the MD that they were under investigation and needed to stop practicing immediately. The call showed on the Caller ID as coming from the Board's main telephone line. There are two important lessons from this latest scam attempt. First, some scammers have the ability to "spoof" the Caller ID system to show a different number than the phone from which the call originated. Second, if you have any doubt at all about the source of the call, you can always tell the caller that you will contact the Board, then hang up and call our office to confirm whether a Board staff member was calling you.

More details about how to avoid being victimized by a scam and how to report scams to the FBI can be found in the Call Scam Alert email sent from the Board last year. Please let us know if you are targeted and consider reporting it to the FBI (follow the link for info on reporting).

Telehealth Registration Requirement (04/15/2024)

During COVID Vermont enacted special provisions that allowed health care professionals to practice telehealth with patients located in Vermont. Initially telehealth practice was allowed with no requirement for a license or registration. Beginning in 2022, the law was modified to require registration for temporary telehealth registration. That COVID-19 temporary telehealth registration option ends on July 31, 2024; after July 31, 2024, the Covid-19 temporary telehealth registration will no longer be valid, regardless of when obtained. A different credential will need to be obtained to continue practicing in Vermont after July 31, 2024. 

For the time being, however, this option is still available. If you choose this option, before you begin the process to register, please read the "Instructions for Temporary Telehealth Registration" linked below. We recommend you print the instructions to use while you complete the registration process.

New options for a telehealth license and telehealth registration will be available beginning on May 1, 2024, when the regulations regarding those options become effective. Information about the new options will be posted soon.  


Instructions for Temporary Telehealth Registration

Start Registration 


Anyone who is interested in learning more about the new options for telehealth practice that will soon be available can review the law, Chapter 56 of Title 26 of Vermont Statutes Annotated. Once the regulations regarding the new options are formally approved, we will be posting more information.

Contact the Board


Phone: (802) 657-4220

A question mark with the words "Did you know?" under it.

The Board licenses allopathic physicians, physician assistants and podiatrists, and certifies anesthesiologist assistants and radiologist assistants.

Other health professionals, including nurses, and osteopathic physicians are regulated by the Vermont Office of Professional Regulation.

EMS licensed professionals can find information on the Emergency Medical Services webpage.

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