We provide information regarding Vermont regulation of tobacco products and Vermont smoke-free laws. We are a resource for information on tobacco and smoke-free initiatives, tobacco surveillance and research and youth prevention programming. We provide schools, health care providers and community coalitions with resources to support quitting smoking.

We provide support and assistance to coalitions and the municipalities and worksites with whom they work on the development of tobacco policies and ordinances. We provide support to colleges interested in pursuing smoke-free campuses. We also address the impact of in-store tobacco advertising in our communities.

The Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition and the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership have received a Community Transformation Grant to fund education and outreach to reduce tobacco use. These groups also work with towns to address secondhand smoke exposure by developing sound, evidence-based policies. The creation of tobacco-free spaces, including e-cigarettes, is the most effective way of reducing secondhand smoke exposure. The goal is to protect all citizens from secondhand smoke exposure, to help smokers to quit, and to change social norms related to tobacco use. Strategies include:

  • Tobacco-free campuses for town buildings and properties , including e-cigarettes

  • Tobacco-free town vehicles

  • Reducing tobacco advertising

  • Using CounterBalance tools and information to reduce youth exposure to tobacco products

Local Success Stories
  • An assessment of public spaces in Wilmington revealed that smoking occurs at store entrances, in parks, and at bus shelters. Through the work of the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership, smoke-free signs are now posted and exposure to secondhand smoke in these communal areas has significantly decreased.

  • Concerned about the impacts of secondhand smoke outside the new Twin Valley High School, two students from Whitingham presented a proposal to the Whitingham Selectboard advocating for the creation of smoke-free zones. The board unanimously agreed to implement signage, and granted permission to place smoke-free zone signs in Whitingham’s Town Hill Park and Town Hill Playground. In addition, the Selectboard adopted a policy prohibiting smoking within 25 feet of any entryway at the Jacksonville Municipal Center.

  • Through the Star Store Project, the Vermont Kids Against Tobacco student group at the Brattleboro Area Middle School are recognizing local retailers for their efforts in reducing youth’s exposure to tobacco products and marketing. Retailers who choose not to sell tobacco products will receive a Gold Star Certificate. Retailers who chose not to advertise their tobacco products will receive a Silver Star Certificate; and those who chose not to advertise one or both of these products on the outside of their business will receive a Bronze Star Certificate.

  • With support from Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition, a non-smoking policy exists for all Windham-Windsor Housing Trust properties as of April 15, 2016.

Smoking rates in Vermont are declining, but they remain higher in some groups. Learn more about how we provide services and supports to those with the highest rates of smoking and tobacco use.


Resources for Quitting

Check out the website or call1-800-Quit-Now (784-8669) for in-person, phone, or online help, including free gum, patches and lozenges.

CounterBalance is a campaign directed towards the tobacco industry's influence on youth and the damaging impact tobacco use has on community health.

Smoking resources in other languages


Learn More


Contact Us

Shyla, Public Health Nutritionist



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