
Palliative care provides an added layer of support for children and adolescents living with serious illness. It helps ensure that your goals as a family are at the heart of your child’s care. Palliative care can help to ease pain and other upsetting symptoms resulting from a condition or treatment.

Who is eligible for the Pediatric Palliative Care program?

To be eligible, a child must:

  • Be under age 21
  • Have active Vermont Medicaid
  • Be living with a serious life-limiting or life-threatening illness or condition and may not live into adulthood
How does the Pediatric Palliative Care program help?

The Pediatric Palliative Care Program is made up of five main services available to a child and family:

  • Care CoordinationSomeone to help make, and put into place, a family-centered care plan
  • Family/Caregiver TrainingTraining for family members and caregivers about how to provide care to their child or youth
  • Expressive TherapiesCertified art, music, play, dance/movement therapists or child life specialist to help the child and family members process their emotions
  • Skilled RespiteShort term relief for caregiver relatives provided by a nurse based on medical need
  • Family Grief Support/Bereavement CounselingCounseling for the family to help during the child’s life and for up to six months after the death of the child
How does a family access the Palliative Care Program?
  • Health care provider makes a referral
    • Anyone can request the Pediatric Palliative Care Program for a child, but the medical provider must be the one to refer.
    • Referrals can be made at any age or any stage of the illness. Ideally, referrals are made around the time of diagnosis so families have the supports available as early as possible.
  • Pediatric Palliative Care Program services are provided by specially-trained teams at Medicaid-contracted home health agencies and Visiting Nurse Associations around the state. These teams may include nurses, social workers and therapists.
  • Families and caregivers work with the home health agencies and Visiting Nurse Associations to set up and access the supports that best meet their child's needs. As their needs change, their care plan, and the supports they choose, can change too.
For Health Care Providers
For Families/Caregivers
For Home Health Agencies

Pediatric Palliative Care Program Provider Manual Guide through the requirements for participation in the PPCP and ongoing delivery of services required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the approved waiver. Includes forms such as Monthly Service Reporting Form, the Reimbursement Rates, a template Interdisciplinary Team Meeting Note, an Intake and Needs Assessment, a Plan of Care, a Care Conference Meeting Note, Pediatric Palliative Care Bereavement Log, an Expressive Therapy Referral Form, and the Additional Services Request Form

Contact us

Children with Special Health Needs
Vermont Department of Health
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-8360

Tel: 800-660-4427 or 802-863-7338
Fax: 802-863-7635

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