Many employed adults are affected by mental health conditions that interfere with their personal and professional success and wellbeing. Work-related stress is also a major issue for many people, contributing to poor physical and emotional health, as well as decreased productivity and job satisfaction. Creating a workplace culture and environment that supports the emotional wellbeing of all employees can result in healthier and more productive employees.
Recommended Strategies
Education and Awareness
- Share education on personal stress management.
- Promote an Employee Assistance Program or local mental health resources.
- Provide education on mental health and substance use.
- Provide employee orientation on workplace policies and support for mental health and substance use recovery.
- Provide employees with information on the mental health benefits offered through the organization’s insurance.
On-Site Support
- Offer stress management opportunities.
- Offer workshops on mental health and substance use.
- Participate as a business in one community engagement activity.
- Create and maintain a dedicated quiet space for relaxation.
- Provide free or subsidized lifestyle coaching, counseling or self-management programs.
Policy Change
- Provide supervisory trainings on increasing support for employee wellbeing.
- Have a policy that supports employees who have mental health issues, including leaves of absence and plans for returning to work.
- Allow employees to access support services during working hours.
- Have a policy addressing the use of alcohol and substances at work and work-related functions, and promote responsible drinking at work-related events where alcohol is present.
Related Resources
- Vermont Department of Health Division of Substance Use
- Invest EAP
- Vermont 2-1-1
- Pride Center of Vermont
- Division for Blind and Visually Impaired
- Vermont Center for Independent Living
For more information, download the mental health-friendly section of the Worksite Wellness Toolkit!