The Vermont Department of Health has the authority to certify laboratories analyzing drinking water and to approve laboratories performing workplace drug testing per Vermont Statute 18 V.S.A § 501b.
Drinking Water Laboratory Certification
Laboratories applying for drinking water certification from Vermont need to be accredited to the TNI standards currently in effect by the National Environmental Laboratory Accrediting Program (NELAP) before the department will consider issuing a drinking water certification to the laboratory.
Vermont Department of Health laboratory certification is required for sample analysis when:
- The sample is from a public water system and the results are submitted to the VT Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division (per Section 21-13 of the Vermont Water Supply Rule).
- The sample is from (non-public) potable water sources and is being analyzed for the purposes of permitting (per Section 1-1113(c) of the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules).
Any laboratory certified by the Vermont Department of Health that analyzes a groundwater drinking water sample (regardless of the reasons for analysis) must submit the results of their groundwater analyses to the Department of Health in a format required by the Department of Health (per 18 V.S.A § 501b).
A completed application packet for certification includes:
- Completed application form
- Appropriate fees
- Laboratory’s current NELAP accreditation certificate and scope
- Most recent onsite report along with the laboratory corrective action responses
- Acceptable Proficiency Testing (PT) results.
Once certification is established, PT reports must be sent to the program directly from the PT provider on an ongoing basis
Learn More about Vermont Drinking Water Laboratory Certification
- Map of certified drinking water laboratories
- List of laboratories certified for drinking water analysis (For full functionality, open this list in Adobe). Some links will not work if this list is opened in a browser.)
- List of laboratories certified to test for radium in drinking water
- Application for Vermont drinking water laboratory certification
- Information about denial, suspension, and revocation of drinking water certification
Submitting Private Drinking Water Test Results
The Vermont Health Department has developed an electronic groundwater database for all private drinking water test results. Laboratories are encouraged to submit their test results by sending Comma Separated Value (CSV) files in the correct format to the Health Department via email
The Groundwater Chemistry Data Submission Guide is a helpful tool for laboratories certified to test groundwater. It is a quick compliance guide for 18 V.S.A § 501b.
Summary of Important Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Your CSV File
Using the Data Elements and File Format Guide:
- Labs are required to produce and submit a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file that meets all of the Guide’s specifications
- The headers in your CSV file must match what is shown in the guide as “CSV Column Header”
- The columns in your CSV file can be in any order
- Data are not case sensitive
- There are format requirements for certain fields, such as time and date, result type and water source (see “Format or limited responses”)
- Each file submitted to the State must have a unique file name. To ensure the file name is unique, the naming convention could start with your VT State Lab ID followed by the file creation date (e.g. VTStateLabIDyyyymmdd).
- Batched files are acceptable
For Questions About
- The Data Elements and File Format Guide or the data submission process, call the Environmental Health Division at 802-863-7220 or 800-439-8550 (toll-free in Vermont).
- Laboratory certification, contact the Laboratory Certification Officer, Ali Boren, at the Health Department Laboratory at 802-338-4709 or 800-660-9997 (toll-free in Vermont).
Find More Information On
- Environmental Protection Agency's lab certification
- Approved methods of analysis
- Department of Environmental Conservation information on drinking and ground water
- The NELAC Institute (TNI)
Have questions about Vermont Drinking Water Laboratory Certification? E-mail us at
Drug Testing Laboratory Approval
The Vermont Department of Health has the authority under 21 V.S.A., Chapter 5, Subchapter 11, Sections 514, 515, 516, 518 and 520 to approve laboratories that perform workplace drug testing.
Currently, the Department only approves workplace urine drug testing laboratories. Approvals are effective for one year and annual re-application is required. Renewal applications will be sent to laboratories on an annual basis.
- Administrative guidelines for the Approval of Laboratories for Workplace Urine Drug Testing
- Initial application to download or print
- List of the Vermont Department of Health Approved Laboratories for Workplace Urine Drug Testing