Updating How We Work

In 2020, the CDC launched a Data Modernization Initiative (DMI). This multiyear, multibillion-dollar effort will make health departments faster-acting by improving systems and empowering staff. 

Vermont Department of Health projects that align with CDC priorities:

Public Health Workforce Efforts
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People are at the heart of our data modernization improvements. Our most important project is supporting staff with training and capacity building. Some examples include a data science academy and electronic data exchange. Without prioritizing staff needs, enhancing data practices, processes and analysis would be impossible.

Software and Automation Projects
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We need to have the right software and support to make our work more efficient. For example, with DMI funding we purchased server licenses to help with workflow automation. This helps our staff work smarter, not harder. In the future, we're looking to identify other areas to incorporate automation.

Informatics and Data Governance
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The Health Department will contract with a vendor to develop a Data Governance Framework and work with information technology professionals to clarify staff roles and responsibilities to enhance collaboration.

Enterprise-Wide Projects
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The Health Department, Agency of Digital Services, and the Agency of Human Services are collaborating on large projects to improve data integrity, quality, reporting, and analytics.

One project is bringing together the Health Department's data systems with the Vermont Health Information Exchange (VHIE). Read the project summary.


How does this affect Vermonters?

We're modernizing data and data systems to serve you better.

Upgrading our data systems will make public health services better. Even if you don't see it directly, these systems are vital in helping us provide better care and respond to new health issues.

Providers across the state are already using a new two-way vaccine-sharing system. With this new feature, they can view patient vaccine history directly in health records, with no need for separate logins. This saves time and ensures better care for patients.

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