How to Apply for Asbestos and Lead Licenses, Certificates and Permits

You can apply for asbestos and lead discipline licenses, certificates and permits using the ALRP Licensing and Permitting Portal

  • Individuals designated as primary contacts in the portal can apply for company level licenses and permits. 
  • All applicants and company primary contacts need accounts in the portal.

For license, certificate and permit application requirements, refer to the Vermont Regulations for Lead Control and the Vermont Regulations for Asbestos Control. The appeal process for a licensing decision can be found in the Statement of Procedural Rights.

Individual-level License and Certificate Types
License or Certificate NameFeeDurationRequirements
Lead-Safe RRPM Supervisor$501 yearEmployer must have the RRPM Firm license. Even sole proprietors need both the RRPM Firm and Supervisor licenses. 
Lead-Safe RRPM Firm – Landlord $3005 yearsCan work on your rental properties only. Cannot supervise other workers.
Lead-Safe Uncompensated Child Care Operator (UCCO)$01 yearCan work on your child care only. Cannot supervise other workers.
Lead Abatement Worker Target Housing$601 yearEmployer must have the Lead Abatement Company Target Housing license.
Lead Abatement Supervisor Target Housing$1201 yearEmployer must have the Lead Abatement Company Target Housing license.
Lead Abatement Worker Superstructure$601 yearEmployer must have the Lead Abatement Company Superstructures license
Lead Abatement Supervisor Superstructure$1201 yearEmployer must have the Lead Abatement Company Superstructures license.
Lead Inspector$1801 yearEmployer must have the have Lead Consulting Company license.
Lead Inspector Risk Assessor$1801 yearEmployer must have the Lead Consulting Company license.
Lead Project Designer$1801 yearEmployer must have the the Lead Consulting Company license.
Asbestos Abatement Worker$601 yearEmployer must have the Asbestos Abatement Company license.
Asbestos Abatement Supervisor$1201 yearEmployer must have the the Asbestos Abatement Company license.
Asbestos Inspector (Consultant)$180
(additional consultant license $150)
1 yearIf more than one employee has a license, the employer must have the Asbestos Consulting Company license.
Asbestos Inspector Management Planner (Consultant)$180
(additional consultant license $150)
1 yearIf more than one employee has a license, the employer must have Asbestos Consulting Company license.
Asbestos Project Designer (Consultant)$180
(additional consultant license $150)
1 yearIf more than one employee has a license, the employer must have the Asbestos Consulting Company license.
Asbestos Project Monitor (Consultant)$180
(additional consultant license $150)
1 yearIf more than one employee has a license, the employer must have the Asbestos Consulting Company license.
Asbestos Analyst – PCM$601 yearEmployer must have the the Asbestos Analytical Company license.
Asbestos Analyst – Field$601 yearEmployer must have the the Asbestos Analytical Company license.
Asbestos Analyst – PLM$601 yearEmployer must have the Asbestos Analytical Company license.
Asbestos Analyst – TEM Air$601 yearEmployer must have the Asbestos Analytical Company license.
Asbestos Analyst – TEM Bulk$601 yearEmployer must have the Asbestos Analytical Company license.
Company-level License Types
License NameFeeDurationRequirements
Lead-Safe RRPM Firm$3005 yearsLicensed RRPM supervisor(s) on staff
Lead Abatement Company Target Housing$6001 yearLicensed lead abatement target housing supervisor(s) on staff
Lead Abatement Company Superstructures$6001 yearLicensed lead abatement superstructures supervisor(s) on staff
Lead Analytical Company$6001 yearThere are no individual level lead analyst license requirements.
Lead Consulting Company$6001 yearLicensed lead consultant(s) on staff
Asbestos Abatement Company$600 
(additional company license $150)
1 yearLicensed asbestos abatement supervisor(s) on staff 
Asbestos Analytical Company$600 
(additional company license $150)
1 yearLicensed analysts must be licensed in Vermont
Asbestos Consulting Company$600 
(additional company license $150)
1 yearLicensed asbestos consultant(s) on staff
Permit Types
Permit NameFee (Revision)DurationRequirements
Lead-Safe RRPM Power Tool Permit$50 ($25)per jobRRPM Firm, RRPM Firm – Landlord license or UCCO Certificate
Lead Abatement Permit$50 ($25)per jobCompany-level Lead Abatement license
Asbestos Abatement Permit 
10-100 linear feet removal of asbestos containing material (ACM) 
$75 ($50)per jobCompany-level Asbestos Abatement license
Asbestos Abatement Permit 
10-100 square feet of ACM
$75 ($50)per jobCompany-level Asbestos Abatement license
Asbestos Abatement Permit 
100-1000 linear feet of ACM
$150 ($50)per jobCompany-level Asbestos Abatement license
Asbestos Abatement Permit 
100-1000 square feet of ACM
$150 ($50)per jobCompany-level Asbestos Abatement license
Asbestos Abatement Permit 
more than 1000 linear feet of ACM
$300 ($50)per jobCompany-level Asbestos Abatement license
Asbestos Abatement Permit 
more than 1000 square feet of ACM
$300 ($50)per jobCompany-level Asbestos Abatement license
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