
The 2025 Vermont Statewide EMS Protocols have been released.  To assist EMS services and practitioners in the transition to the new protocols, please review the 2025 EMS Protocols Summary Changes document, and the Vermont EMS Statewide 2025 Protocols Resource Kit, for specific guidance on training and transition requirements.  All EMS services and personnel have until May 1st to complete the transition training.

2/18/25 It has been brought to our attention and to the attention of our application developer that the 2023 Protocol app is not functioning correctly on most Android phones.  This issue is being addressed with Google.

Downloading the Protocol PDF to our mobile device in lieu of the app:  Any mobile device user may choose to download the 2023 or 2025 Vermont Statewide EMS Protocols from this website directly to their phone, to be kept in the file section of their device.  In this manner, you can access the hyperlinked protocol document at any time, with or without cellular connectivity.

EMS Policies and Protocols

Course Medical Director Qualifications

EMS Course Allegations

EMS Protocols (2023)

EMS Protocols (2025)

EMS Protocols Resource Kit (2025)

EMS Protocols Summary of Changes (2025)

EMS Student Background Checks

Examination Accommodations: This policy describes the process for requesting an accommodation on an EMS psychomotor examination.

Hearings and Appeals Policy

Ordering EMS Protocol Books: Soft-covered books may be ordered from L. Brown & Sons. If you would like to order EMS protocol books for your organization, please contact L Brown and Sons Printing at info (at)  Please include a Bill/Ship to address and contact information, along with how many books you would like to order. The Vermont Department of Health is not responsible for any and all costs incurred by organizations and individuals ordering books.

Senior Instructor Qualifications for Licensure

Substantiated Report of Abuse (Adult Abuse Registry and Child Protection Registry): This policy describes how the Vermont Department of Health addresses substantiated reports of abuse by EMS licensees and applicants

False Answers on License Applications: This policy addresses cases where an EMS licensee or applicant provides false answers to the self-disclosure questionnaire on license applications

Impaired or Negligent Vehicle Operation: This policy describes how crime convictions for impaired or negligent driving convictions affect a person's eligibility for EMS licensure

Pending Criminal Charges: This policy describes EMS licensees' and applicants' obligation to disclose criminal charges and convictions

Challenging the NREMT Exams  - RN/PA/Military Medics: This policy describes the process that allows a Registered Nurse, Physician Assistant or Military medic to obtain a National Registry certification and state license without taking an initial course.

License or Certification Extension

EMS Agency Administration
Instructor/Coordinator Resources
Practical Exam Site Resources
Become a HEARTSafe Community

Refer to the documents in this section to apply to become a Heart Safe Community:

Please send completed HEARTSafe applications to the Vermont EMS Office by emailing or by mailing to Vermont EMS, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-8330

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Registration
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Locator:  This user-friendly platform allows the public to locate AEDs in their vicinity.  It also ensures those who have registered an AED location previously that their data is accurate in the registry.  

    • If an AED needs to be registered, please use the Registry tool below to submit data to the Vermont Department of Health.
    • If an AED has been previously registered but the information needs to be updated, please email and our staff will work with you to make the necessary adjustments. 


    Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Registration Tool: Use this tool to notify the Vermont Department of Health that a public access defibrillator has been placed at your location. 

    • Generate one entry per physical 9-1-1 address - the system will allow you to enter up to 10  placement locations for that specific address.  
      • Example:  XYZ Enterprises, 7 Cyclone Street, Anytown, VT: Location 1: Gymnasium, Location 2: Lunch room; Location 3: Manager's office wall, etc.
      • For entities with AEDs located at more than one physical 9-1-1 address, create entries sufficient to cover all locations.


  • PAD Legislation: This is the text of legislation that created the Public Access Defibrillation program and provides instructions for registering defibrillators with the Vermont Department of Health.

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