We strive to reduce tobacco use in Chittenden County by partnering with schools and community organizations. We partner with organizations, communities, and local government to address tobacco outlet density, tobacco-free worksite and college campuses and, generally, to decrease exposure to secondhand smoke. We also address the impact of in-store tobacco advertising in our communities.


Community Coalitions

There are four local community coalitions funded to reduce tobacco use:

Local health office staff are members of each coalition, supporting their efforts. Coalition staff educate and engage youth and the community about the risks associated with tobacco use.

Most recently, the Burlington Partnership for a Health Community and its partners were successful in helping to create and advance a smoke-free Church Street.  


Community Initiative – Prioritizing Health in the Built Environment: A Municipal Planning Look at Substance Abuse Prevention – a new resource researched and compiled by the Chittenden Prevention Network in collaboration with our office and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission.  This primer will address how local policies and the built environment can either increase high risk substance use or support healthier choices.  The primer examines the health and social impacts of substance abuse and tobacco use and presents strategies for positive change.  This work is in the final stages of completion, so check back here for the final report!

Smoking rates in Vermont are declining, but they remain higher in some groups. Learn more about how we provide services and supports to those with the highest rates of smoking and tobacco use.

CounterBalance is a campaign directed towards the tobacco industry’s influence on youth and the damaging impact tobacco use has on community health.


Resources for Quitting

To quit with telephone support: 1 (800) QUIT NOW or 1-800-784-8669

Resources are also available through the Quit Partners at the University of Vermont Medical Center Division of Community Health Improvement at 802-847-7333.

Smoking resources in other languages


Learn More


Contact Us

Melissa, Public Health Specialist



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