Family and Child Health Statement of Progress and Extension 2023-2025
Vermont’s Maternal and Child Health Strategic Plan

Vermont’s strategic plan for maternal and child health represents key priorities for the next several years. While this is not a comprehensive list of all of our programs, it addresses program areas where we hope to expand and measures of health that we seek to improve. The Maternal and Child Health strategic plan is aligned with the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant framework. 

2019 - 2022 Full Maternal and Child Health Strategic Plan 

2019 - 2022 One Page Maternal and Child Health Strategic Plan 

Vermont’s Title V Maternal and Child Health Needs Assessment and State Action Plan

Core funding for Vermont’s Maternal and Child Health division comes from the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Title V aims to improve the health and well-being of people, particularly parents, and children. 

Every five years, Vermont must complete a comprehensive needs assessment of maternal and child health programming, services, resources and priorities. This needs assessment was last completed in 2020. FCH is conducting a new needs assessment that will be completed in 2025.

Read the assessment

Annual applications and reports can also be found on the Title V information system. 

Vermont’s Title X Family Planning Needs Assessment

Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. Title X-funded health centers provide high-quality cost-effective family planning and related preventive health services to low-income, under-insured and uninsured people who may otherwise lack access to health care.  

This report provides a description of Vermont as it relates to family planning, a description of Vermont’s Title X family planning system, and a description of Vermont’s family planning and reproductive health services and population needs.  

Read the Assessment 

Vermont left the Title X program in 2019 and rejoined as of 2022. An updated family planning needs assessment is anticipated to occur in 2024 

WIC State Plan

For information, data and research related WIC, please see the WIC Plans and Reports page.  

Breastfeeding Strategic Plan

It is the goal of the Vermont Department of Health and its partners to support Vermont families in meeting their breast or chestfeeding goals. The following plan represents the priorities we plan to undertake at a statewide and community level.  This plan was created prior to the pandemic, and will be updated soon to reflect the current breast and chestfeeding goals and strategies for the State of Vermont. 

Vermont Breastfeeding Strategic Plan