All people and communities in Vermont have equitable opportunities to achieve their highest level of health and well-being.
Promote the physical, mental, and social well-being of people in Vermont by advancing equity, protecting against disease and injury, and preparing for health emergencies.
- Equity: We aim to center health justice and address racism and all forms of oppression in our programs and policies, our approach to collaboration, and how we build and nurture our workforce.
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Collaboration: We engage with staff and partners to understand complex problems and design responsive solutions.
- Inclusion: We support a culture of belonging and diversity where people are valued, trusted, and able to be their authentic selves.
- Harmony: We endorse a balanced, thoughtful, and intentional work environment that allows employees to care for themselves, their families, and the people they serve.
- Data: We strive for scientific excellence and cultural responsiveness in the collection, analysis, sharing and use of data.
Public Health in Vermont
Our many programs and initiatives help people in Vermont live fuller, healthier lives from birth through old age.
We focus on prevention, one of the best investments that can be made in health. We promote healthy behaviors such as eating a healthy diet, having regular physical activity, and not smoking or misusing alcohol or other drugs.
We work to improve access to health services such as immunizations, mammograms, HIV/AIDS testing and care, and prenatal care. We investigate disease outbreaks and take action to control the spread of illness.
We license physicians and hospitals, emergency medical personnel and services, inspect food and lodging establishments, and enforce health regulations. We prepare for and respond to public health threats and emergencies.
We continually track and report on the health status of people in Vermont, conditions and behaviors, that influence health, and progress toward meeting Healthy Vermonters 2030 goals. We empower people in Vermont with current, correct, and credible information to stay safe and healthy.
And it is our calling in public health to address unfair and avoidable inequalities, especially for those people who have experienced socioeconomic disadvantage and social injustice.
Learn more about and see examples of public health in Vermont