For Immediate Release: December 1, 2020

Media Contact:

Ben Truman │ Vermont Department of Health
802-951-5153 / 802-863-7281

Health Officials Urge People Whose Tests were Spoiled Due to Shipping Error to Get Retested

Testing and sample processing to be expedited for rapid turnaround

BURLINGTON, VT – The Vermont Department of Health is asking people who were tested for COVID-19 on November 27, 2020 at Barre Auditorium to get retested. The original samples were unable to be processed because of a delay by the company responsible for shipping them to Broad Laboratories in Massachusetts. Approximately 249 samples were affected.

The Health Department late Monday sent emails to notify people of the shipping error and the need for retesting if desired. The state is investigating the cause of the shipping delay.

“This shouldn’t have happened, and I personally apologize to the Vermonters who were doing the right thing to protect themselves and their communities by getting tested,” said Health Commissioner Mark Levine, MD. “Nearly a quarter of a million people in the state have now been tested, and we will ensure shipping issues do not again interfere with protecting the health of Vermonters.”

If you were one of the people affected, you can get retested Wednesday or later this week. Your test samples will be expedited for processing and results. While there are plenty of regular and pop-up testing options available in the Central Vermont area, Health officials are recommending that people go to the nearby sites in Northfield, Berlin or Waterbury. Clinic staff are ready to fast track retesting and sample processing.

To help speed up the process, the Health Department encourages everyone to preregister for their tests. However, people may also walk-in anytime during testing hours.

To find the sites and to register, go to If you have any difficulty registering, you can simply walk in for testing as well.

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