Recovery Support Services (RSS)

The State of Vermont is establishing Recovery Support Services (RSS) as a Medicaid-reimbursable benefit for people covered under the Vermont Medicaid State Plan. Stay up-to-date on the progress of this initiative through the project timeline, updates, training opportunities and meetings.


DSU RSS Timeline

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The Recovery Support Services (RSS) timeline illustrates progress for three projects and their anticipated implementation time-frames, including the Recovery Services Organization Certificate (anticipated implementation in early 2025), the Peer Recovery Support Certification Rule (anticipated implementation in mid 2025) and the Recovery Services Medicaid Benefit (anticipated implementation in 2026).

Updates & Newsletter

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Past Updates

Training Opportunities and Meetings

Public trainings, meetings, and slide decks related to Recovery Support Services work. 

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Past training trainings and meetings

Archived trainings (if recording is available):

  • Coming soon

Glossary of Terminology

Definitions and information about RSS. 

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Terms and Definitions

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Recovery Services Organization (RSO) Certification Initial/Renewal ApplicationApplication submitted to initiate the certification process for Recovery Services Organizations or submitted by a certified RSO to renew certification every three years. Note: This application is under development and is not yet available. 
Peer Recovery Support Specialist (PRSS) Certification Application Application submitted to the Office of Professional Regulation to become certified as a Peer Recovery Support Specialist or renew certification. Note: This application is under development and is not yet available. 
Recovery Certification Compliance Assessment Tool (RCCAT)Tool to assess Recovery Services Organizations for certification, measured by the guidelines included in the RSO Substance Use Disorder Standards. The tool will be leveraged prior to and during RSO certification site visits by Division of Substance Use staff. Note: The tool is under development and is not yet available.
Recovery Services Organization (RSO) Certification RuleRule that provides certification requirements for Recovery Services Organizations. This rule will serve as the regulatory basis for the certification of Recovery Services Organizations that receive state or federal funding for the provision of recovery services and supports from the Vermont Department of Health.
Peer Support Provider (PSP) and Peer Recovery Support Specialist (PRSS) Certification RuleRule that will serve as the regulatory basis for the certification of PRSS (Vermont Department of Health) and PSP (Vermont Department of Mental Health). Note: The rule is currently under development.
Peer Recovery Support Specialist (PRSS) Credentialing BodyEntity authorized by the Vermont Department of Health to: 
(A) issue credentials to peer recovery support specialists to demonstrate that a peer recovery support specialist has met qualifications for certification; and 
(B) approve acceptable continuing education courses; in addition to other duties.
Medicaid MemberA person who is enrolled in Medicaid and covered under the Vermont Medicaid State Plan.
Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist (PRSS)A person who holds a certificate to engage in the practice of recovery support services from the Office of Professional Regulation.
Certified Peer Support Provider (PSP) A peer worker under the Department of Mental Health who is certified by the Office of Professional Regulation and is included in the same legislation (H.847) and associated rule as PRSS. Note: PSPs are not within the scope of the Recovery Support Services Initiative or part of the Vermont Department of Health’s provider network.
Recovery Services Organization (RSO)A non-residential and non-clinical facility certified by the Vermont Department of Health to provide recovery services and supports in compliance with the Department’s Recovery Services Organizations: Substance Use Disorder Recovery Standards.
Recovery Services Organizations (RSO): Substance Use Disorder StandardsStandards published by the Vermont Department of Health and establishes the required minimum expectations related to operations, staff conduct, organizational performance, structure and workplace environment of a certified Recovery Services Organization.

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Substance Use Programs (DSU)

Vermont Department of Health
280 State Street
Waterbury, VT 05671-8340


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