A bell with the word "update" under it.

Flood Impacted Wells and Springs

The time period for ordering free flood-related drinking water test kits has ended. You may purchase a test kit from the online webstore

If you already received a free test kit and need to retest your well/spring after treatment, you can get a free retest kit online or from your local health office.

For questions, call 802-338-4724 or 800-660-9997 (toll-free in Vermont).

Bacteria Test Kit Instructions

Test your drinking water regularly.

It is important to test your private well or spring for contaminants regularly to make sure that it is safe to drink. If you are on public water, the Health Department recommends testing for lead. Learn about testing recommendations for public water

Recommended Private Drinking Water Testing Schedule

The Health Department recommends testing your water for bacteria, inorganic chemicals and gross alpha radiation. See the table below for more information on these drinking water contaminants.

A lightbulb with the words Quick Tip under it.

The three test kits are called the Vermont Homeowner Testing Package:

  • Bacteria (Kit A) $14 – test every year
  • Inorganic chemicals (Kit C) $100 – test every five years
  • Gross alpha radiation (Kit RA) $45 – test every five years

If you divide this cost over the course of 5 years, it would equal $3.60 per month.

Order the Vermont Homeowner Testing Package by calling

You can also order a test for an individual contaminant, such as lead. Find out more about testing options at the Health Department Laboratory

Contaminants to Test for in Private Drinking Water

This table gives you an overview of the contaminants that are tested for in the Vermont Homeowner Testing Package, which are the Health Department's recommendations for private drinking water.

Click on the link for each contaminant for more detailed information on health concerns, sources of the contaminant, what your test results mean, and treatment options.

There are other drinking water contaminants you may want to test for. Learn more about other concerns for private drinking water


When to Test

Why You Should Test

Possible Cause(s)

Coliform Bacteria
(Kit A)
Every yearStomachaches, diarrhea, GI (gastrointestinal) diseasesSurface water intrusion, septic leachate, agriculture runoff
(Kit C)
Every five yearsIncreases risk of bladder, lung or skin cancerNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
(Kit C)
Every five yearsChloride may indicate other contaminants are present in the waterSeptic leachate, road salt
Copper (flush)
(Kit C)
Every five yearsStomachaches, vomiting, diarrhea, liver damage in young childrenLeaches from plumbing and fixtures due to corrosive water
(Kit C)
Every five yearsFluoride levels above 4 mg/L can cause bone disease. Fluoride levels above 2 mg/L can cause staining or pitting of teeth. Optimal fluoride levels of 0.7 mg/L prevent tooth decay.Naturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
(Kit C)
Every five yearsCauses scale buildup in pipes and fixtures, gray staining of washed clothesNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
(Kit C)
Every five yearsUnpleasant odors, stains and tastesNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
Lead (first draw and flush)
(Kit C)
Every five yearsDamage to brain, kidneys and nervous systemLeaches from plumbing and fixtures due to corrosive water
(Kit C)
Every five yearsDamage to the nervous system (memory, attention and motor skills) when consumed over a long period of time, infants may develop learning and behavior problemsNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
(Kit C)
Every five years. If present above 5 mg/L: Every 3-6 monthsMethemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) in infantsFertilized agricultural fields, septic leachate, compost piles
(Kit C)
Every five yearsSodium may indicate other contaminants are present in the water, can be harmful to those on limited sodium dietsSeptic leachate, road salt, water softeners
Gross Alpha Radiation
(Kit RA)
Every five yearsCancer riskNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
(Kit C)
Every five yearsKidney damageNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont

Other Concerns for Private Drinking Water

There are some contaminants in the table below that are not on a recommended schedule for testing by the Health Department, but may be a concern to you. 

Click on the link for each contaminant for more detailed information on health concerns, sources of the contaminant, what your test results mean, and treatment options.


How to test

Why You Should Test

Possible Cause(s)

Hydrogen Sulfide 
(rotten egg smell)
Isolate the source of the smellGas in the air can be hazardous at high levels, can indicate sewage or other pollution intrusion in drinking waterNaturally occurring in some soil and rock as a byproduct of decay, produced by sulfur bacteria in the water system, water pollution (in rare cases)
(including PFOA)
Private labs can test for PFASChild development, infertility, increased cancer risk, and interference with hormones, the immune system and cholesterol levelsChemicals used in industry and commercial products
RadonVermont Dept of Health Lab
Kit RC
(Learn more about testing for radon in air)
Stomach cancer, lung cancerNaturally occurring in some bedrock and soils in Vermont
Organic Chemicals
(volatile, synthetic, pesticides)
Vermont Dept of Health Lab
Kit OL or Kit OA
Cancer, cardiovascular problems, reproductive issues, liver problemsChemicals from human activities including agriculture, chemical spills, manufacturing sites

Information for Real Estate Transactions and Rental Properties

Real estate transactions and private water sources

If you are selling your home and you are not on a public water system, then you are required to give the buyer a copy of Well Water Testing: A Home Buyer’s Guide, which is also available in languages other than English.

When buying or selling a home with a private drinking water source, it is important to have the water tested. As a home buyer, you will know your water will be safe to drink, and as a seller, you can avoid delays and problems with selling your home.

The best time to have the water tested is before a home goes on the market. It will give you a heads up on potential issues with the water, and allows time to treat the water before the sale.

Real estate agents can help buyers and sellers get the information they need to make sure a home’s private water source is safe. If results show the water is free from contaminants, that can be an added bonus for sellers and peace of mind for the buyers.

Some mortgage companies require a basic potability test that only tests for bacteria. These tests do not meet the Health Department’s definition of potability. Certain types of mortgages such as a VA or FHA loan will have stricter requirements on testing. Please contact your mortgage company to ask about the tests they require.

To meet the requirements of the Health Department’s definition of potable water, test the water using all three test kits in the Vermont Homeowner Testing Package. It can take a few weeks to get test results back. If any result comes back high, find out what treatment options are available.

Rental properties and private water sources

Under Vermont’s Rental Housing Health Code, private drinking water provided to tenants must be free from harmful levels of contaminants. This means that state law requires the water to be tested and treated if contaminants are found above the Health Department’s drinking water standards.

If you are a landlord:

If you are a renter:

More Information
two pieces of paper signifying a document or PDF
Download a copy of the Health Department's private drinking water testing recommendations
A pointer cursor signifying a website link.
Watch a step-by-step video on how to test your drinking water
A pointer cursor signifying a website link.
Search an A-Z list of water contaminants
A pointer cursor signifying a website link.
See a complete list of tests available at the Health Department Laboratory
Contact Us

Private Drinking Water Program

Phone: 802-489-7339


Last Updated: