Recovery Support Services (RSS) Questions & Answers

Below are answers to frequently asked questions related to the new recovery support services system. If you would like to recommend additional questions, please email

Last updated: August 26, 2024

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Questions and Answers
What Recovery Support Services will be covered as a Medicaid benefit?

This is still being developed, but will, at a minimum, include Recovery Coaching. 

Who needs to provide the services for the benefits to be covered under Medicaid?

Recovery support services need to be provided by Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist employed by a Vermont Department of Health Certified Recovery Services Organization.

Will technical assistance be provided?

Technical assistance will be provided as the benefit is further developed. 

What happens if recovery organizations do not get certified?

If an organization is not certified, they are not eligible to receive federal or state funding from the Vermont Department of Health for the provision of recovery support services. 

What will the training requirements be for certification?

Training requirements are still being developed.

What will happen to the Certified Recovery Coach (CRC) credential?

The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium’s Peer Recovery certification will act as the Vermont Peer Recovery Support Specialist’s credentialing requirement. 

This is needed to be eligible for Office of Professional Regulation Peer Recovery Support Specialist certification. 

Will the "Code of Ethics" be changing?

The Code of Ethics will be reviewed and updated, incorporating stakeholder feedback as part of that process.

What about currently certified Recovery Coaches?

All those who have a current Peer Recovery certification utilizing the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium will be eligible for Office of Professional Regulation Peer Recovery Support Specialist certification.

Will the state cover the OPR certification fee?

The state will cover the Office of Professional Regulation Peer Recovery Support Specialist certification fee for people employed by one of Vermont’s 12 recovery centers.

How will the “appointed advisors” be nominated, as referenced in the draft rule?

This will be determined in the near future.

Where can I go with questions or to find more information?

Questions can be sent to

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Substance Use Programs (DSU)

Vermont Department of Health
280 State Street
Waterbury, VT 05671-8340


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