Physical Activity and Nutrition in Vermont

Compared to the U.S., Vermont adults eat more fruits and vegetables and get more leisure time exercise.

Increasing physical activity and access to healthy diet choices are important in reducing the impact of chronic disease. The Vermont  Health Department promotes physical activity and good nutrition as a means of chronic disease prevention and healthy lifestyle choices.

See How We're Doing

Physical Activity and Nutrition Goals and Tracking
Healthy Vermonters 2020 Scorecard: Physical Activity and Nutrition
Document or PDF
Maps & Trends: Physical Activity and Nutrition
Healthy Vermonters 2030 Goals

Physical Activity and Nutrition Surveillance Reports

Data Pages

The 1305 data pages are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and their associated risk factors (physical activity and nutrition) and related school health topics in adults and youth from all relevant surveillance sources. It provides demographic breakdowns and trends for all topics. They are useful to those interested about theses chronic health conditions and health behaviors in Vermont. Last published May, 2019.

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