The Vermont Department of Health certifies laboratories analyzing drinking water as per Vermont Statute 18 V.S.A § 501b.
The water test(s) to be ordered depends on the source of your water.
Gross alpha radiation is a type of energy released when certain radioactive elements decay or break down and can be found in your drinking water.
Private water supplies are monitored and maintained by their owners, so it is important for them to do their own water testing and maintenance to make sure their drinking water remains safe.
Injuries, accidents and poisonings are common in homes. Taking precautions can help prevent them from happening in your home and help to keep yourself and your family safe.
One in seven Vermont homes has unsafe levels of radon. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. Testing is the only way to know if it is in your home.
Learn how to make sure your well or spring is properly constructed and maintained to help keep your drinking water safe from contaminants. Find information and requirements for real estate transactions and rental properties.
Public drinking water systems are regulated by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. However, the Health Department recommends testing your water for lead. Learn more about testing for lead and other public drinking water concerns.
Water contaminated with bacteria can make you sick. Learn how to disinfect your water before using it for drinking or cooking.
Any flood or major rainstorm that generates significant runoff could contaminate your water supply making it unsafe to drink. Find out what you need to do.