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Maternal and Child Health Data

Vermont’s maternal and child health strategic priorities and programming are informed by data.  

Data resourceFurther information 
Pace Vermont The Policy and Communication Evaluation (PACE) Vermont Study seeks to understand the impact of state-level policies and communication campaigns on substance use beliefs and behaviors in young Vermonters. Learn more in the Pace Vermont Data Brief
Healthy Vermonters 2020 Information on a local level, view trends over time, and visualize the indicators on Vermont maps. 
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)  Monitors priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disease, injury and social problems among youth. 
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)  Ongoing survey of Vermont mothers who have recently given birth, providing data about pregnancy and the first few months after birth.
School Health Profiles  Monitors school health education requirements and content, physical education and activity, school health policies related to HIV infection/AIDS, tobacco use prevention, nutrition, asthma management activities, family and community involvement in school health programs, and school health coordination.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)  Tracks health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services.
Vital Statistics Reports and Maps  Births, deaths, marriages, civil unions, divorces, dissolutions, fetal deaths and abortions. 
Birth Information Network  Statewide surveillance of selected birth defects and other congenital conditions.
Immunization Registry Secure system that contains immunization records for persons living in Vermont. 
All Health Department data sources  Vermont Center for Health Statistics coordinates and responds to the majority of public health data questions.
Vermont Insights Allows users to find and use data to understand the well-being of Vermont’s children, families and communities.
Vermont Child Health Improvement Program Maternal and child health services research and quality improvement program of the University of Vermont.
Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health National data resource providing easy access to children’s health data on a variety of important topics, including the health and well-being of children and access to quality care.
National Survey for Children's Health Data on multiple, intersecting aspects of children’s lives—including physical and mental health, access to quality health care, and the child’s family, neighborhood, school, and social context. 


Archived Maternal and Child Health Priorities: In Brief

Below are archived briefs highlighting maternal and child health priority areas, data, and Vermont strategies. 

Brieffurther informationdate published
Developmental ScreeningPromoting children receiving a developmental screening using a parent-completed screening tool.2018
Injury Decreasing the rate of hospitalization for non-fatal injury for children, and increasing the number of hospital emergency department staff trained in the early identification and assessment of suicide risk.2017
Adolescents Who Feel They Matter Increasing the percent of adolescents who feel they matter and the percent of Vermont's public middle schools who have participated in the Getting to 'Y' project.2017
Low-Risk Cesareans Reduce cesarean births among low-risk women with no prior cesarean. 2017
Well-Woman Visits Increasing the percent of women with a past year preventive medical visit and the number of primary care providers outreached to. Working to increase awareness of importance of preconception health/well-women visits, and birth control options. 2017
Safe Sleep Increasing the percent of infants being placed to sleep on their backs. 2017
Oral Health Increasing the percent of women who had a preventive dental visit during pregnancy and the percent of children who had a preventive dental visit in the past year. 2016
Tobacco Decreasing the percent of women who smoke during pregnancy and the percent of children who live in households where someone smokes. 2017
Adolescent Well Visits Increasing the percent of adolescents, ages 12-17, with a preventive medical visit in the past year. 2016


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