Emergency Medical Services in Vermont are subject to several rules and statutes. The following are links to relevant documents.

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Vermont Statutes

"It shall be the function of each emergency medical services district to foster and coordinate emergency medical services within the district, in the interest of affording adequate ambulance services within the district." More information here: https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/24/071/02657

Vermont Statutes, Chapter 18, Title 17: Emergency Medical Services

"It is the policy of the State of Vermont that all persons who suffer sudden and unexpected illness or injury should have access to the emergency medical services system in order to prevent loss of life or the aggravation of the illness or injury, and to alleviate suffering." More information here: https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/18/017/00901

Vermont EMS Rule

This rule provides licensing and certification requirements for Emergency Medical Services providers and personnel: 

Emergency Medical Services Rule

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