For Immediate Release: September 16, 2021

Media Contact:
Ben Truman │ Vermont Department of Health
802-316-2117 / 802-863-7281

Health Department Reports 314 New Cases May Include Results Held Up by Vendor IT “Glitch”

The Vermont Department of Health is reporting 314 new cases of COVID-19. While this is technically the largest single day report, as we communicated yesterday, we had an outside vendor IT glitch that delayed the delivery of test results.

At this time, we believe the issue has been resolved. We are therefore investigating whether or not the IT glitch and subsequent fix may have impacted today's case count, as well as our previous days' case counts.

It is possible – but not confirmed – that we will see older tests come through over the next few days. We are actively working to assess the impacts, monitor the situation, and we will keep the public informed, including providing updated numbers, as we learn more.

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