Ambulatory Surgical Center Licensing RuleAmbulatory Surgical Center
Advance Directives for Health CareAdvance Directives
Alcohol and Drug CounselorsAlcohol and Drugs
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Registry RuleHealth Surveillance 
Asbestos ControlAsbestos
Birth Information NetworkNewborn Screening
Blood Lead Testing and ReportingLead
Board of Health HearingGeneral Rules
Board of Medical Practice RuleBoard of Medical Practice
Cancer RegistryCancer
Chemicals of High Concern in Children's ProductsEnvironment
Emergency Medical Services RuleEmergency Services
Financial Assistance for Respite CareChildren with Special Health Needs
Food Service EstablishmentsFood and Lodging
Good Manufacturing Processes for Food - expires 7/31/24Food and Lodging
Manufactured Food Rule - effective 8/1/24Food and Lodging
Home VisitingChildren and Family Services
Hospital Licensing RuleHospitals
Hospital ReportingHospitals
Impaired Driver Rehabilitation ProgramAlcohol and Drugs
Lead ControlLead
Licensed Children's Camps RuleFood and Lodging
Licensed Lodging Establishment RuleFood and Lodging
Manufacturer Fee RuleAlcohol and Drugs
Maternal Mortality Review PanelMaternal Health
Medically Complex Nursing Services (High Tech Nursing Services prior to 1/1/2020)Health Professionals
Rules Governing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid
Use Disorder (Emergency Rule)
Alcohol and Drugs
Medication Assistance Program (VMAP)HIV/AIDS
Newborn Screening ProgramNewborn Screening
Patient Choice at the End of Life Compliance Health Professionals
Patient Safety Surveillance and Improvement SystemHealth Care Facilities
Prescribing of Opioids for PainHealth Professionals
Children's Personal Care Services Health Care Administrative RulePersonal Care Services
Radiation ProtectionRadiological Health
Regulated DrugsAlcohol and Drugs
Reportable and Communicable Diseases (Emergency Rule)- effective 2/12/24Health Professionals
Safe Disposal of Unused DrugsAlcohol and Drugs
Shellfish SanitationFood and Lodging
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment Standards for Expedited Partner TherapyHealth Professionals
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Certification RuleAlcohol and Drugs
Testing and Remediation of Lead in the Drinking Water of Schools and Child Care Facilities Environmental
Vermont Prescription Monitoring SystemHealth Professionals
Vital Records RuleVital Records