For Immediate Release: September 16, 2021

Media Contact
Ben Truman │ Vermont Department of Health
802-316-2117 / 802-863-7281

Update: 314 New Cases May Include Results Held Up by Vendor IT “Glitch”

BURLINGTON, VT – This morning, the Vermont Department of Health reported 314 new cases of COVID-19. The number of cases in this highest single day report may have been impacted by an outside vendor’s IT glitch that delayed the delivery of test results.

At this time, we believe the IT issue has been resolved. However, we are still working to reconcile the data to determine the impact, if any, on case reporting in recent days and weeks. It is also possible that some delayed reports will be reflected in the case numbers reported on Friday.

The Health Department tracks and monitors the time it takes from when specimens are collected for testing to when the results are reported to the department by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The glitch involved EllKay, an IT vendor working for Broad.

For the period of August 1 to September 15, the average turnaround time from specimen collection to reporting was 1.86 days. Review of the data from the past week showed a notable increase in the turnaround time that began with specimens collected on September 9. As announced at the Governor’s September 14 press briefing, the state began an investigation into the situation.

The Agency of Human Services, including the Health Department, and together with the Agency of Digital Services, are actively working to assess the impacts and monitor the situation. EllKay is currently conducting a root cause analysis. Once that is done, we should have a better idea of the scope and its impact on case reporting over these days.

We will keep the public informed, including providing updated numbers, as we learn more.

Health officials reiterated that because the Delta variant passes from person to person so easily, it is especially important for everyone to follow these basic prevention steps:

  • Get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible
  • Wear a mask when in public indoor settings
  • Stay home if you feel sick
  • Get tested if you have any symptoms, may be a close contact, or have taken part in activities that could put you at risk, such as large gatherings
  • Wash your hands regularly

In addition, people who do test positive, or think you might be a close contact of someone who did, can take action even before they hear from the Health Department. Please visit our website at so you can act right away to protect yourself and to prevent further spread.

Earlier press release: Health Department Reports 314 New Cases May Include Results Held Up by Vendor IT "Glitch"

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