
Polio is a potentially disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus. Most U.S. adults...
Find guidance for long-term care facilities and other group settings on what to do if there is a COVID exposure, information about vaccines, and other important resources.
What medical professionals need to know about cannabis.
Suicide touches the lives of many Vermonters. Our intentional self-harm and death by suicide rates are significantly higher than the United States rates. Find help, learn about warning, signs, risk and protective factors. Read about what Vermont is doing to...
Information on opioid prescribing and medication for opioid use disorder.
Information for health professionals to help their patients with issues related to alcohol and other drugs.
Substance misuse in Vermonters age 65 and older is increasing. Be aware of unhealthy substance use, identify risks, and find treatment and recovery services.
Everyone with asthma – especially children and teens – should have an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan. This is a written plan that you fill out with your child and your child’s doctor to help control asthma and know what to...
Health care providers in Vermont are required to report certain infectious diseases to the Health Department. This information is then used by epidemiologists to track the spread of disease across the state.
Patients who have low socioeconomic status are most at risk for oral disease and have the least access to dental care. Many people who don’t receive regular dental care rely on their primary care physician to tell them if there...
Supporting the development and maintenance of a qualified, competent and numerable alcohol and drug professional workforce. Find training and continuing education resources.